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#3 Being a TEENager

13-19 Years old. An age which we call as teenage and is the most delicate and crucial age as my mom says, to be a good person or to get int...

Friday 8 May 2020

Life:- A journey of Endless Desires

Well, its been quite long since I wrote a blog. Many of my peers and well-wishers did always ask me to write one but amidst this chaos of building a career and establishing myself, I was unable to do the same. 

So as you all know the world is going haywire due to COVID-19 and everyone is quarantined and self-isolated in their homes and doing lots of interesting things to keep themselves entertained😁. I never knew some of my friends have such great talents until I saw some great dishes😋, some very beautiful sketches, paintings😍, some melodious song covers, and what not!

I remember a time when we all desired a break from the monotony of our life routines and just need a vacay or some time at home with loved ones. Some time to do what we like. Usually, we all are working 5 days a week 9-5 jobs and a routine is set and there is no hope for such a desire. Weekends were the most loved days in a week. Now it has been almost 2 months since we are getting all of it, we are at home, we can do whatever we like, obviously work is a part of our life but I believe its much more relaxing right now as we are in the comfort of our home. BUT the question is - Are we liking it now?

My answer will be NO. My opinions might differ with some of you but this is just my thought. While talking to my friends I noticed one thing i.e. we all are wishing for all this to get over and just get back to lead the normal life, the regular routine, regular workdays, regular tasks, regular weekends. Yes, you read that right we are desiring to get our that monotonous life back! But why is so? We are getting what we wanted in the first place.😐

And when I pondered, I got to know that this is how life is. The grass is always greener on the other side. People are making plans to meet, to go out with their loved ones and friends, to travel once the lockdown is finally over. This lockdown has surely made many of us realize the importance of freedom that we have missed during this time. And I am pretty sure, many of us will have a new lookout to life now.😊

This Lockdown has also been a blessing in disguise for Mother Earth. No Pollution from vehicles and industries, Air Quality levels increasing, No toxic foams in rivers, Flora and Fauna are flourishing and the world is getting a better place to live🌏. Human activities have always messed up with nature's cycle. Our desire for more has led us to exploit the forests, rivers, and pretty much every other natural resource we can utilize. So this lockdown has helped in the recovery of nature.

People will always desire something better in their life. This desire is needed to grow but one must always be thankful and value what one has. Love the people around you. Live the life to fullest and enjoy each and every moment coz you never know when your life can turn around in a matter of days.😉 

I know we are docile to the current situation but remember this too shall pass.😄 
Wishing everyone good health💓. Stay Home🏡. Stay Safe👍. Peace✌.