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#3 Being a TEENager

13-19 Years old. An age which we call as teenage and is the most delicate and crucial age as my mom says, to be a good person or to get int...

Sunday 25 September 2016

#5 Exam time!

I know this blog will have minimal views because.....It's EXAM TIME!!Alright Alright everyone is busy studying and nobody has time to read this blog but believe me,my exams are going on too but if you read this blog,it's worth spending your precious time on.
As everyone knows,nobody starts studying a month before exams,everyone studies just a day or two before exams.So many of you must be wondering how do they score so good in exams?The reason is,the good scorers always have one common thing i.e. DEDICATION to study.Even if they study for 1 hour,they would study it in a way that they won't forget it for lifetime.No topic is left untouched.Also most of them are good catchers.They remember every detail once its told to them.One of the reason for good scores is PRESENTATION on answer sheet.Each and every answer is explained with proper use of diagrams and theory,so that even the teacher is confused where to deduct marks.
I am not one of the above mentioned students although but still there are some ways everyone can score good marks.
1. Work on the presentation of your answer sheet-Main factor,trust me.Good presentation always get good scores in exams.
2. Concentrate and study-Keep your cellphones away,stay focused and try to set goals and achieve them within given time period.It would be hard at first,but eventually you will start achieving them within deadlines.
3. Make your mind stable- Oh! this point..Its so so hard to keep your mind stable while studying.While studying your mind will always tend to deviate to most ridiculous thoughts ever like,vacation,movies,songs,funny incidents,etc. NO! this is very bad while studying.Its really hard to control but everyone needs to figure out a way to concentrate the mind only on study.I personally either take a power nap or call any of my close friends and talk to them for a while.
So these are some things everyone can do to score good in exams. Any other techniques? Comment down below :)
Thank you guys for reading the blog.If you like it do follow me on my blog. Signing out,need to study, exams going on! :D 


  1. I am Vella....and I will comment without any reason๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿค˜
